When we’re leading a smooth stress free life, and then suddenly something not in our favor happens – changing our lifestyle completely. It’s that moment where we lose hope, become weak and only look at the negativity.
Rather than emphasizing on the problems, we should use that problem in our favor and derive an opportunity to engage in, in such a way that we focus more on positive derivation; hence ignoring the negative aspect.

My husband and I, we have a son who suffers from atopic dermititis. He had it since birth, and now he’s over 3 years and still has it. I was always among the privileged and pampered lot who had a trouble free life and wasn’t good at handling any kind of stress at all. So when I had to give up my way of living, I lost all my energy and pessimism took over, making life more dreary.
I know our problem was not even close to the difficulty some people face (May Allah bless them). But still the staggered sleeping patterns (infact more like no sleep at all :/), the continuous tension of stopping my son from scratching till he bleeds, dealing with bacterial infections from those wounds, consoling him day and night, massaging him after every hour, and much more really took a toll on us.
After three years of endurance, something hit us. And Allah made us realize that we should stop with this despondency and start looking at the brighter side. Here in Pakistan it’s very difficult to find eczema related products, infact it’s very difficult to find products for dry skin in general. So we decided to open up an online store and make it easier for others to find suitable products for their skin.
I would like to share one more instance, where a distant someone I knew started selling home made rosacea soothing body butters. She suffered from severe rosacea throughout her life on her face, and after countless hit and trials, she came up with her own cream and turned it into her passion project, helping countless others.
These are very small examples among billion others. So let’s just pause for a moment and try to find positivity in whatever problems we’re facing. Reflect whether we can find solutions or use our experiences to help ourselves or others facing the same issues.
Spread positive vibes!!